Insurance Reports

Have you suddenly damaged your computer? Now, dealing with the insurance companies has become easy for customers because of Just Right Computer & I.T Services. We provide you with the complete professional and insurance report of computers and cell phones when needed.

What types of damages can you claim? Computer and other technologies are a vital part of our lives and move with us everywhere. So, the damages to these devices occur suddenly. Therefore, we offer insurance reports to all types of technological devices. Which type of damages do we accept and when can you come to our company to restore your system?

Our team makes the insurance report for damage caused by water, impact from dropping, viruses or ransomware, power surges and malicious damage. We cover the replacement cost of your devices.

We serve all of Australia remotely or bring it in if your close by. Contact Us Now

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    We are Microsoft Certified Professional & give 10% discount per hour for pensioners & students.